The Project

The project will consist of a book.

This book will be divided into chapters, each chapter will be a Country, and they will be in alphabetical order.
Each chapter will have a sub-chapter, those sub-chapters will be the fans' pages (each fan who will join the project will have one page at disposal). The title of each sub-chapter will be the fan's name.

So, for example, under the chapter of Spain, we'll have all the pages from the Spanish fans and so on.

When the project will be over and created, I'll make sure to post a link from which you will be able to download a copy.

- Why a book, and why this project?
Ever since I opened my blog Robin's Green Shades, I always wanted to prepare something that could involve a lot of Robin's fans, and that could also give them the possibility to express their feelings about her, why they love her and her talent and how they would like to express their feelings for her (with a drawing, with a message, a letter...).
At the beginning, I didn't know so many fellow fans and I wasn't into social networks that much. But now, I feel like this is the right moment, I've met a lot of amazing people and I hope a lot of fans like me will love this idea!
I didn't feel the need for a special occasion to prepare this project. I'd like this to be "simply" a present from the fans to Robin, "just" to show our support and our love to her.

So please, join and share, let's make this book a really thick book! ;)
Thank you!


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