Once Upon A Tunney

"Once Upon A Tunney"

Welcome to the page dedicated to show you the final result of the "Robin Tunney Fans' Book Project".
"Once Upon A Tunney" is a book written by the 108 fans who joined the project, from 30 different countries around the world.

First of all I want to thank every single fan who joined this project, who made it possible.
I didn't expect to reach such an high number of contributions, and I am beyond excited to share this Book with you all.
Thank you to all the people who helped me spreading the word about this project around the web, letting other people know about it, your help was precious.

I want to thank my dear friends Van and Chibi, who helped me throughout all this project, since the very beginning, and who realized the beautiful Introduction Art for the Book.

After more than 3 months of work on this, here are some photos of the final result: 
(click on the images to enlarge them)

Made by my friends Van and Chibi

Download the Book:

Instructions to download the PDF file:

Since the file is very big (around 960mb), for your convenience I've split it into 5 parts.
So, you have first to download all the 5 parts, saving them all in a new folder. Once you've downloaded them all, you'll be able to unzip the file.
To unzip it, you need a program called WinRAR. If you don't have it, you can download it for free here:

To unzip the files, click on the last one (part 5), and select "Extract Here". After the process, you'll have a PDF File.
To open a PDF file, you need Adobe Reader. If you don't have it, you can download it for free here:
adobe.com (choose "Get Adobe Reader on the right).


Part 4: CLICK HERE - Part 4  
Or, if you have a fast internet connection and you want to save the file in a single download, CLICK HERE - one single download (Thanks to Chibi for this upload).


ElizAlice said...

What an amazing job you did there.
The book is fantastic!
Congratulations to all of you! :)

antonela said...

Download stops at 40% to me.
and those split in 5 parts won't even start.
I guess I won't be able to see it. :/

Maria Novella said...

Sorry about that. All the links work fine for me, and other people told me they were able to download it. Maybe wait some time and try again, or try from another computer if you have the chance.

Maria Novella said...

@ElizAlice - Thank you very much! :))

antonela said...

I will try from other computer :)
thanks for answer :)

Maria Novella said...

No problem :)

Unknown said...

Hi maria thanks for all you have done love bill uk

Unknown said...

I finally got to download the book!! : D Novella project is a wonderful and great idea you had. you did a good job I am proud to have participated in all it's thanks to you thank you for everything: D

María Sol said...

I know I've already said this but...Novella, you did a great job by putting everything together, and every participant did a great job by putting all their love and care in it. I loved this and I'm sure Robin's going to love it too. I'm really glad that I'm part of such a beautiful project. Congratulations to everyone.

Unknown said...

Novella, you are amazing.
Thanks for the job you made here
- Vilma S. - Czech republic

Virginie said...

Amazing book, you've done an excellent work!
Thank you so so much Novella. ♥

Maria Novella said...

Thank you all! :))

TM Online br said...

it's perfect my friend,very nice ;) congratulations everybody.

TM Online br said...

why can't i download?

please! upa on another server,i can't in this takes too long to download

Maria Novella said...

sorry about that, other people were able to download it without problems. If it is slow, it might depend on your internet connection. It took me 2 days to find this hosting to upload the book. Take into consideration that the file is very big.
I'll try to find another host, in the meantime be patient and try again. I'm sorry for the incovenience but there's nothing else I can do right now.

Lexi123 said...

I can't see it :((

TM Online br said...

ok! friend! thanks

Unknown said...

Ce livre est génial... C'était vraiment une super idée !!
Malheureusement, je n'ai pas pu y participer... Mais je le ferais avec immense plaisir si il y a un autre projet !
Et puis la réponse de Robin... elle a vraiment donné la croix de Lisbon ? Vraiment bien...
Merci beaucoup Novella d'avoir lancé ce magnifique projet !

Maria Novella said...

Merci beaucoup!! :))

Terezinha said...

It took but finally managed to download and read,was beautiful congratulations.When you go to the "Once Upon A Tunney 2"Where do I want to participate again.

Terezinha said...

Novella Do you think the number 2?

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